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Our Approach and Specialties

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The OMH Way

When we founded Open Mind Health, we started with three foundational principles:

Quality over Quantity:  

OMH believes that every patient deserves individual focus. Our team of diverse therapists, including clinical psychologists, licensed therapists, and prescribers, are passionate, relate to each individual, and spend quality time getting to the root of the issue.

One Size Does Not Fit All

Each individual deserves a customized treatment approach. Everyone has different experiences based on their cultural identity, gender, and individual history, which are vital to explore to determine the best treatment approach.

Holistic Treatments

At OMH, we are committed to holistic wellbeing. We understand that true healing involves a comprehensive approach that considers the intersection of the mind, body, and spirit. Our services include complementary modalities like music therapy and breathwork, ensuring a well-rounded care plan.

With these principles in mind, we designed 21 proprietary Wellness Tracks designed with an evidence-guided approach. This ensures that our solutions are not only effective but also tailored to your unique needs. You can trust that our methods are backed by scientific evidence, enabling you to become your best self.

What Our Clients Say

My therapist is great at coaching, mentoring, and listening to my story of recovery. Also, he could relate to a veteran's life experience and military background.

– Open Mind Health Patient

I like the energy with my therapist, the open mindedness, and I feel confident telling her stories to help her understand my anxieties and stress to work together to be well.

– C.M.

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