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CBD Oil vs. CBD Tincture: What’s The Difference?

Jennifer Wirth

CBD Oil vs. CBD Tincture - What is the difference?

The difference between CBD Oil and CBD Tincture as seen in Forbes Health

Written By

Jennifer Wirth, Health Writer

Updated April 18, 2024

Cannabidiol (CBD) use is increasingly common in the U.S., especially following its legalization in 2018. In fact, approximately 60% of U.S. adults have tried a CBD product, according to a recent Forbes Health survey conducted by OnePoll.

CBD is available in a variety of forms, including popular CBD oils and tinctures. However, the terms “CBD oil” and “CBD tincture” are often used interchangeably despite referring to different products. Read on to learn more about CBD oil and CBD tinctures, how they’re similar, how they differ and which one may be best for you.

What Is CBD Oil?

CBD oil is a blend of CBD extract and an inert carrier oil, such as medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) oil from coconuts or hemp seed oil, explains Markus Ploesser, M.D., a board-certified psychiatrist, integrative physician and chief innovation officer at Open Mind Health, a mental telehealth company.

CBD oil can be taken sublingually (under the tongue), used topically or consumed orally, says Erica Steele, N.D., a board-certified naturopathic doctor and certified functional medicine practitioner at Holistic Family Practice in Virginia Beach, Virginia.

“Many people use CBD oil for its potential benefits, such as pain relief, reduced anxiety, improved sleep and overall relaxation. However, it’s important to note that individual responses can vary, and the effects of CBD oil are still being studied,” she adds.

Pros and Cons of CBD Oil

“[CBD oil] is generally well tolerated with few reported side effects,” shares Dr. Steele. “It’s also readily available in various formulations and strengths, providing [plenty of] options for individual needs.”

Although the taste of CBD oil is generally milder than that of CBD tinctures, CBD oil can also be baked into foods or added to drinks to help mask its flavor. It’s also suitable for topical use on the skin unlike alcohol-based CBD tinctures, providing additional flexibility in how it can be used, adds Dr. Ploesser.

However, CBD oil generally has a lower bioavailability than CBD tinctures and is absorbed more slowly by the body, explains Lewis Jassey, D.O., medical director at Leafwell, a company designed to connect people with local physicians to help them get certified for medical cannabis. The method of consumption and delivery, as well as the bioavailability of CBD oil, may introduce additional variables regarding how much of the product is ultimately absorbed by the body.

What Are CBD Tinctures?

“In the [CBD product] marketplace, CBD oils are often wrongly referred to as tinctures,” says Dr. Ploesser. “For clarity, consumers should ask for an alcohol-based tincture.”

A CBD tincture is an alcohol-based hemp extract where alcohol is used as a solvent. It’s usually made using CBD-rich hemp or cannabis sativa plants and alcohol in the range of 60% to 70% alcohol by volume (ABV), which equates to 120 to 140 proof, explains Dr. Jassey.

CBD tinctures provide similar effects as CBD oils, such as potential pain relief, reduced anxiety, improved sleep and relaxation, says Dr. Steele. She adds that CBD tinctures are most commonly taken sublingually, which allows for the product to be absorbed directly through the mucous membranes in the mouth. However, some CBD tinctures are not intended for sublingual use due to high alcohol content; instead, they need to be diluted before consumption.

Read the full article here.



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