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The Open Mind Health Team is Listening

Whether attending industry events or interviewing people for our podcast, we constantly challenge ourselves to learn from other perspectives.  

Open Mind Health Seen In

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OMH Training

Dr. Craig Beach

Dr. Craig Beach
Psychiatrist, Founder, and CEO
Open Mind Health

Topics covered by Dr. Beach

Borderline Personality Disorder: Assessment & Management

Learning Objectives:

  1.  Understand the biosocial theory of borderline personality disorder

  2.  Learn core symptoms, comorbidities, and risks

  3.  Case-based discussion of evidence-guided treatments

Review of Psychiatric Medications

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand the common classes of psychiatric medications and their common indications

  2.  Review key medication monitoring issues and strategies to optimize medication compliance

  3. Case-based discussion to consolidate learning

Neurocognitive Disorders: Assessment and Management

Learning Objectives:

  1. Learn the common disorders and how to differentiate them 

  2. Review practical tools and treatments to address common comorbidities, risks, and challenging symptoms/behaviours

  3. Case-based discussion to consolidate learning

2024 CA Health plans conference
stephanie robinson

Stephanie Robinson, Chief Clinical Officer of Open Mind Health joined over 1,000 health care professionals to learn how health plans in California are dealing with changes, taking on new responsibilities for the state, implementing laws and regulations, and planning for the future.

Read Stephanie's Takeaways >


Resilience — Armor Against Adversity

Listen to the Open Mind Health experts talked with Scott Silverman on the critical mind-body-spirit connection and how to build psychological resilience to address life's adversities. This is your mental health vaccine with tips on building your "mental muscle" and staying healthy.

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Livestream Event:

The Open Mind Health team spoke at the 6th Annual Georgian Bay Healthcare Wellness Research and Innovation Day: COVID WELLNESS. 

OMH Speakers: Dr. Craig Beach, Stephanie Robinson, Tyler Sarry, Dr. Markus Ploesser, and Drew Parales


Videos: Outreach with Dr. Beach

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Do you want to discover more about all things mental health? Meet Dr. Beach, a psychiatrist who offers a unique perspective through stimulating real, raw, and thought provoking conversations. From depression and anxiety to trauma and psychosis to the peculiar aspects of our personality that influence our behavior, Dr. Beach elevates our understanding of the human mind and expands the possibilities for a brighter future.


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Homelessness: The Park – Part 1

Homelessness: Crystal – Part 2

Homelessness: Lymerick – Part 3

Podcast: Mental Reality with Dr. Beach

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Dr. Beach offers a unique perspective in his podcast through real, raw, and thought-provoking conversations. From depression and anxiety to trauma and psychosis to the peculiar aspects that influence our behavior, Dr. Beach elevates our understanding of the human mind and expands the possibilities for a brighter future.

FEATURED EPISODES. Click to listen.

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Hearing Voices

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COVID Mental Health

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Positive Psychology

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to the Solutions

Book Open Mind Health

The Open Mind Health team has given keynote presentations, expert interviews, and facilitated workshops on such topics as Suicide Risk Assessment & Management, Trauma, Borderline Personality Disorder, Violence Risk Assessment & Management, Depression in the Elderly, Dementia, Workplace Risk Assessment & Safety Planning, the Treatment of Mood & Psychotic Disorders, and many others.

We'll get back to you shortly.

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